Natural Anti-cellulite Coffee Body Scrub

What is Cellulite?

-Cellulite is nothing more than normal fat beneath the skin. It is visible and 'bumpy' because it pushes against connective tissue, causing the skin above to pucker. Cellulite is not harmful but many people try to look for ways to reduce it because of the way it looks.

What Causes Cellulite?

- Having cellulite does not mean that you are overweight. Even thin people have it. Cellulite is more common among women than men. Some factors that can influence the visibility and amount of cellulite in your body are:

  • poor diet
  • fad dieting
  • slow metabolism
  • lack of physical activity
  • hormone changes
  • total body fat
  • dehydration
  • thickness and color of your skin
Cellulite Treatment

There are many products and service on the market promising to remove or reduce cellulite but many of them can cost you a lot and probably won't be as effective as you want them to be. (unfortunately)
If you already have cellulite and don't want to spend your money on expensive anti-cellulite products this post is for you! Caffeine is one of the main ingredients in expensive anti-cellulite products. 
Here is a great way to recycle your morning coffee and turn it into a great Anti-cellulite Body Scrub!
What you need :
Coffee grounds (from your morning coffee) 
Olive oil

What you will need is coffee grounds (from your morning coffee) and olive oil.

Take the coffee grounds from your coffee filter and place them into a bowl. Add a few table spoons of olive oil. Mix the ingredients together. The olive oil will help condition your skin and also bind the coffee grounds making it easier for application. Apply the mixture on the areas with cellulite and start scrubbing in the product. I would suggest to do this before taking a bath.

After applying leave the mixture on for about 10 minutes and rinse it off. Your skin should feel soft and smooth. If you have leftovers from the mixture you can  store it in your fridge and use it later on. (store for not more than 3 days)